Final Symposium 20192019-11-12T22:26:38+00:00

As for the 2018 Final Symposium edition, all first year students were called to a final symposium to seal a year of work done by design and research. The students proposed a personal reflection through an iconography, accompanied by key words and a brief textual thought, on the theme launched during Ouverture 2018 for a choral and public comparison in complete freedom of expression.
The 130 conceptual images of 30 × 30 cm, collected in a sort of large fresco of ideas, or a wall composed of pixels made up of creative covers, formed the scenographic background as a theoretical basis for the following academic year.

The second edition, entitled “Timespace – Next stop: STOP!”, Was an opportunity to examine the relationship between TIME and SPACE, with particular attention to the theme of “the lost interval” (Dorfles, 2006), which today defines, in its different exegesis, one of the major interpretative challenges for the design of spaces. The 21st century must necessarily compare the design of spatial forms, exercised through the tradition of design, with new forms of design of the time made of simultaneity and ubiquity and capable of contending and managing the different times of life.


Curated by: Giovanna Piccinno (President of the Master Degree in Interior and Spatial Design – Schoool of Design of the Politecnico di Milano)

General coordination: Giovanna Piccinno, Barbara Di Prete

Graphic and exhibition design: Alice Zingales